Nancy Counts Gerber
B.S. (1985) Univ. of Florida, Physics
B.S. (1988) Univ. of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Biochemistry
Ph.D. (1993) Univ. of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Biochemistry
Research Area: Biochemistry
Dr. Gerber has two current areas of study. The first is the impact of the use of predictive analytics and proactive advising on student progression in their major and ultimate movement to graduation. The research questions include how does early intervention for students at risk impact their retention and graduation, can student success tools such as EAB/Navigator and CS Degree Planner be leveraged to decrease time to graduation for particular majors, and can progress reports (early alerts) be an effective tool for early intervention in classes with high DFW rates and/or equity gaps.
Her second area of research is the impact of service on the career development of women faculty in STEM disciplines. The goal of the project is to assess the impact of inequitable service work on women and faculty of color and promote ways for departments, colleges and the university to recognize, value and reward service.