Welcome to the CBSA Website
The mission of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Student Association (CBSA) is to build community among students and faculty, and to enhance the educational experience of chemistry and biochemistry students at San Francisco State University through social activities, public outreach, and academic and professional development opportunities. We believe in creating a supportive environment where all students can have fun, excel academically and grow professionally.

2010/11 Officers

2006/07 Officers

2005/06 Officers
January 7, 2021
This website was moved to a new server and has a new URL.
The Chemistry and Biochemistry Student Association (CBSA) is a student-run organization for students by students in the Chemistry and Biochemistry degree program.
- Advisor Dr. Bruce Manning
- President Jason Hernandez
- VP Nancy Duong
- Secretary Pyone Myat Thwe
- Treasurer Morgan Smidt
- Public Relations Diana Ramirez
- Event Coordinator Sumeyah Norai
- Event Coordinator Elizabeth Hamada
- Officer Ashley Cortero
- Previous Officers Patricia Uychoco, Michael Mannon, Nonna Titulauri
CBSA organizes social and educational activities to build community among students and faculty. Every chemistry and biochemistry student is encouraged to participate in our events.
Graduation Celebration
Since 2006, CBSA has organized the department's annual graduation ceremony for graduating undergraduate and graduate students. The event is usually held on the last day of the final exam week in the spring semester at an off campus venue. Graduating students that apply for graduation with the department will be invited to participate in the ceremony by CBSA. Please check out out the resources section for more information.
CBSA organizes a bowling event every semester. All of the students, faculty, and staffs are invited to participate. The cost of the game and some food are covered by CBSA. Please look out for fliers and emails about the event.
Ski Trip
CBSA organizes a ski trip during winter break. The trip is usually a few days long and CBSA helps with some of the cost of the cabin and participants pay for transportation, ski ticket, and partial cabin rental cost.
ACS Family Science Night
Every year, Dr. Margareta Sequin organizes ACS Family Science Night where student volunteers from the department go to a middle school to promote Chemistry among middle school children.
Lab manual and supply sales are the major fundraising activity for the CBSA. All proceeds from the lab manual sales goes to fund CBSA activities such as the Annual graduation celebration, Chembowl, Ski Trips, Outreach activities, and more.
Supplies are usually sold during the first few weeks of the semester. Location TBA.
If you need to purchase supplies during the semester, please email us at sfsucbsa@gmail.com.
Lab manual sales must be done online with credit/debit card. (No Cash Accepted.)
Lab Manuals: Prices To Be Announced
- C102 Survey of Chemistry Laboratory
- C115 Gen. Chemistry 1
- C216 Gen. Chemistry 2 Lab
- C233 Organic Chemistry 1 Lab
- C322 Quantitative Analysis Lab
- C343 Biochemistry 1 Lab
- C422 Instrumental Analysis
Lab Supplies: Prices To Be Announced
- 50pg top-bound carbon copy notebook
- 50pg spiral-bound carbon copy notebook
- 100pg top-bound carbon copy notebook
- 100pg spiral-bound carbon copy notebook
- Goggles (UVEX Stealth) - required for C115 & 216
- Lab Glasses - for C102
- Nitrile Gloves - Sizes S M L
- Lab Coats - Sizes S M L
Updated May 22, 2019
The CBSA is a great way for students to network and study for their classes. Please attend the next meeting to set up tutoring or a study group.
Tutoring Resources
Tutoring and Academic Support Center (TASC)
Student Outreach and Academic Retention (SOAR)
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
Careers in Chemistry
C645 Research Trends in Chem and Biochem
SF State Career Services & Leadership Development
ACS Career Navigator
Fun and Interesting Chemistry
PhD Comics
Wired Science
The Grad Café
Scientific American
Molecule of the Day
Helpful Chemistry Related Sites
Spectral Database
Open Molecules
Organic Chemistry Portal
Email suggestions to the webmaster
Interested in joining the CBSA?
Chemistry and Biochemistry students are already a part of CBSA. As one of the few ACS student affiliate chapters in California, we hope students take advantage of our organiziation. We work together to provide social events, community outreach, and the annual graduation ceremony. If you would like to participate in the CBSA, please visit our next meeting.
Look out for our webpage's news updates, fliers and emails for upcoming meetings and events.
If you want to be on our mailing list, email us at sfsucbsa@gmail.com.